Your Direct Contact
The E-LINE by DIRAK brand is represented by over 600 employees worldwide. Here you will find your direct contact for your application. Feel free to contact us if you are looking for a solution for your application or have questions about a product.

Winfried Ellers
Sales Manager
Data Centers, Colocation Centers
and Indoor Solutions
Phone: +49 (2333) 837-184
Mobile: +49 (151) 18837232

Akansel Sereflioglu
Sales Engineer
Data Centers, Colocation Centers
and Indoor Solutions
Phone: +49 (2333) 837-241
Mobile: +49 (176) 18370241
The E-LINE by DIRAK Newsletter

If you are interested in receiving the most up-to-date and exciting news from E-LINE by DIRAK, you can register directly using the following form and we would be delighted to send you our newsletter. With our E-LINE by DIRAK newsletter, you can receive news regarding our mechatronic access control solutions.
You can unsubscribe to our newsletters at any time.
We consider your information to be private and will only use it for the reason provided; it will not distributed/forwarded to third parties.
Should you have any further questions, please do not hesitate to contact us at any time.